5 Benefits of Paid Search Marketing for Construction Companies

April 6, 2022


Author :

Bradley Zeller

Statistics show that 85% of consumers utilize the internet to search for local businesses. How are you presenting yourself to this group of potential customers? Do you have an impressive online presence that motivates them to learn more about your business? What reports do you run on search engine results? Your strategy for search marketing is an area that can help set you apart from other businesses and take you to the top of search engine results. Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of paid search marketing.

1. Reach More People

For every marketing strategy and campaign that you come up with, reaching more people is likely to benefit the effort. More people can lead to more conversions, but finding these new customers is where most businesses struggle. Paid search marketing allows you to control where you want to focus your efforts to get in front of the right audience. Our goal is not to get you new customers quickly but rather to ensure the long-term success of your online ads so that getting new customers is no longer a stressor for your business.

2. You Save Money

The variety of options that you have within paid marketing strategies will allow you to save money by repurposing content that you have already created. One strategy for doing this is running retargeting ads. These ads are shown only to the people that have already seen your ads before and likely have not converted. Running specific copy for someone that is already familiar with your business can help to increase the chance of them converting into a customer when they see it repeatedly.

3. Battle For The First Page

Have you ever found a product or service that you purchased from on the 13th page of Google? The answer is likely no. Most of the businesses that convert the most online traffic show up on the first page. They pay to be there. The paid marketing approach combines SEO, web content, location, and many other factors to drive them to the top of the search engine.

4. Paid Search Marketing Frees Up Time

Are you tired of sending cold emails for hours? Is there a better use for your group of interns than them running around passing out flyers? Paid search marketing allows you to meet people where they are at and refocus the rest of your team on other areas of the business that need their help.

5. Data

Another benefit of paid search marketing is the data that you have to support campaigns moving forward. You will be able to clearly see what is working well and what is gaining little to no traction among your customers.

Get Started Today

Now that you have read more about the benefits of paid search marketing, you can get started right away. When marketing businesses online, the goal of being the top-ranking business search on the web is attainable. Check out our blog for more helpful articles like this one.

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